Updog - Part 03 (Blocking 2: Electric Hullabaloo)
I swear that you must be stalking me.
So here we go again. This week I have added a few more poses and some breakdowns. It seems to be ever still crawling towards the finish line. For the exception of additional poses and breakdowns, there have only been some slight (but important) changes to the blocking from last week. Some of the most notable are…
The old pose at 92 was weak and not clear. I had him leaning in towards the other character while he was waiting. But honestly, I knew it was a weak pose when I was planning it and sort of dropped that one in as a “good pose goes here” placeholder. I decided to have him change it to a cocky-sort-of-relaxed-weight-on-one-arm type pose, you know the one. I thought that would provide some good contrast to go into his quick smear type move over to Greeny.
Also as it was, when Greeny removed Bishops hand from his shoulder, he took it out of frame towards the bottom. My mentor aptly noted that the two shots would hook up better if greeny moved it out screen right and the left to right movement continuted into the next shot, which seems amazingly obvious to me now, but I’m not sure if I ever would have thought of that myself. So I changed that. The two shots seem to hook up much better that way, thanks Jason.
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