Friday, November 11, 2005

Thats a wrap...for now

Click the picture to watch the animation. It's about 3mb.

So you all have something to look at, here is my assignment from part one of semester three of AM. It’s our first dialogue assignment with the intention to put the bulk of the acting onto the body of the character, rather than the face. In fact, the face isn’t really rigged to do anything more than move the brow up and down. The mouth can’t make any phoneme shapes, only open and close with a touch of side to side.

I chose this clip of audio because it seemed to present some good subtle acting possibilities instead of something that is pure over the top mayhem. It’s a small bit from a War of the Worlds storytime record that I have collecting dust on my shelf.

It’s rare that I’m actually pleased with something that I’ve done, so I’m going to try to sit back and enjoy this moment.

Drat, that didn’t last long. Already I see things that I want to fix, little arc nudges and the like. Maybe during the holiday break...


Blogger Shadow said...

Nice!!! how is AM..

i wanted so bad to sign up and take the courses... but alas i was broke...

9:47 PM

Blogger todd elliott said...

Hi Shadow. I can't say enough great things about AM. I have been to three animation schools previous to this one, and AM makes the rest seem like a waste of time. I have learned so much from this program. I highly recommend it, and now they have financial aid. It will be more a problem of finding the time while working...

8:53 PM


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