Monday, November 21, 2005

Secrets - Part 02 (Eye Speak Reel Good)

click image for movie...about 5 mb.

Hey all. I'm happy again this week with how the animation is going. This week I had less time to spend than others, but I feel that it went pretty smoothly again this week and I made good use of the time I did have. Animating seems to be flowing out of me much easier than ever before. I feel like I'm in a good groove.

I started to work on more breakdowns and arcs for some of the transitions from pose to pose. I really tried to add some interest to the holds while keeping them from slipping into manic twitching. I like how most of it is working, save for the last set of three nods she does. I think the timing of those feel too evenly spaced and I hope I can give them a touch more character. I also got the shoulders more involved. I think shoulder animation adds a lot to a scene and perhaps next time I will put it a little earlier in my workflow than I did in with this piece.

I also really tried to focus heavily on the subtle eye and head movements to work better with the dialogue. In retrospect, I think that I stumbled a little bit with this on my last piece. So for this one, I really wanted to try to push it as far as I could without it looking forced.

I'm putting off the sync with the mouth movements as long as possible. I think they will be there for next week. Also I will continue to work on my arcs and transitions from pose to pose as well as making sure the hands play nice with the table top. I still think there are a couple of frames with intersections.

Please feel free to post comments with what you feel works and what doesn't. And thanks again for you interest.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it! :) She remindes me of Penny from Pee Wee Herman! Her voice and her pig tails.. Keep up the good work! Best wishes!

12:41 PM


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